After our first private crop party's success, the volunteers at are running high with excitement on next BIG do! Fierce discussions on menus, decor, invites ... kits ... logistics, et cetera ... is taking place.

So, CRAFT -0- WEEN invitees, be prepared to be bowled over with your personal invites (in the post) with all the details. And taking the cue from the last private crop session, plus the challenging project proposed below ... I doubt anyone of us will be catching any winks, but nonetheless the dress code and all the goodies in the pack STILL applies!

Stay tuned for the event outcome in November 2008 and thanks Tasha for hosting the interesting (though intimidating! LOL) CRAFT challenge for the night.
Apologies, this is strictly a private affair and scrappers who are interested to organise their own private affair may contact us for details. The package and arrangements are simply irresistible!!!
Valerie: +6.012.386.28.69
Valerie: +6.012.386.28.69
No problem Val. My pleasure.Can't wait for Halloween!!!
This looks so fun!
I'll like to do a pretty princess concept for my little princess' birthday - can't wait.
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