That's TEN-THOUSAND different items in our store.
Can't get any crazier than this but I guess that is what it takes to be the largest online scrapbooking store in Asia.
Naturally, we would never have gotten to this stage without the support of so many people out there who mostly believed in us and our cause: volunteers, supporters, family members, manufacturers, designers and celebrities alike. We THANK YOU!
Now that we are done with the formalities, let's let our hair down and C-E-L-E-B-R-A-T-E !!!

So, here's how the 10-10 Promotion works:
promotion starts at 10am* to 10pm* on 10-10-08
25% discount on ALL items sold between 10:00 - 10:59am*
10% discount off first 100 items sold from 11:00am* onwards (ends at 10pm* or when it hits 100 items)
first 10 supporters who spends >RM 10 x 10 in a single purchase cart stands a chance to win a RM 10 x 10 hamper from
all purchases must be paid at the time of check-out. Lay-buys will not qualify for the discounts and promotional gifts.
subsidise shipping as per store policy still applies
25% discount on ALL items sold between 10:00 - 10:59am*
10% discount off first 100 items sold from 11:00am* onwards (ends at 10pm* or when it hits 100 items)
first 10 supporters who spends >RM 10 x 10 in a single purchase cart stands a chance to win a RM 10 x 10 hamper from
all purchases must be paid at the time of check-out. Lay-buys will not qualify for the discounts and promotional gifts.
subsidise shipping as per store policy still applies
* Malaysian time zone
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