Just in case anyone missed our announcements via e-mail, I thought, we'll better blog preparations to be made as well!
Again to recap, the retreat will be at Royal Selangor Club (in Dataran Merdeka), in the Presidents Room. Parking can be in Dataran Merdeka itself.
The event will be from 9am - 5pm. Please be punctual as we do not have much extra time. Seating will be on a first come first serve basis. Do not worry though as we have kept the group to a comfortable size for maximum learning!!!
Buffet lunch will be served at the ballroom and there will be tea and snacks outside the room.
We will be launching Darkroom Door products @ the event. We will also be selling supplies if you would like to try the techniques you have learnt at home. Everything on sale at the event will be at exclusive prices. Please bring either cash or your cheque book.
Please also bring a BIG bag even if you do not intend to shop! We'll be distributing prizes and door gifts all throughout and who knows you may bag a BIG PRIZE!
The list of items you will have to bring is as below:
All Students to bring:
Craft Mat to work on
Cutting tools (scissors, trimmer or craft knife)
AdhesiveFoam adhesive (optional)
Black ink pad (Brilliance, Archival Jet Black, Versafine) - (optional - only if you have one)
Crayon Resist Students to also bring:
small white crayon (like the kids crayons. Needs to be white)
5x7 photo (optional. Can add later at home if you wish)
Full Bloom Friendship Mini Album Students to also bring:
Seven 5" x 5" photos (black & white preferably) of your friends/kids/or people who are special to you. (Photos are optional. They can be added later at home if you wish).
A BIG bag huh! LOL Well that won't be hard to do as I was planning to "shop" anyway :-)
Dear Val,
At last the list I have been bugging you about....sorry but need time to sort out the photoes and I will bring lots of bags maybe a suitcase or two just in case i go crazy....like I did the last time...but this time no US$ or Euros...haha
Can't wait to see you!
ps Luckily you mentioned parking at Dataran Merdeka...thought it was next to Prince Court Hospital aiyah....
yay!!! im so excited i can hardly wait!! and here i was being all silly and thinking that it was gonna be held at scrap abode! luckily i saw the email! lol
you gals crack me up as usual...lillian u can follow me...so i get extra pair of hands to carry stuff ...yippeee yay....we leave @ 6.30 am though..but i'll treat everyone to breakfast!!!
Don't worry, big bag and me are coming running...hugs from Nilla
I'm so ENVIOUS of all you ladies going to have fun this weekend!
Enjoy and learn and absorb as much as you can!
Serene {SnC}
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