Well, for the newbie's to Scrap-n-Crop.com Rachel is known to really stretch her supplies and creativity to bring us many, many, many finished projects with very, very little.
For this month's Scrap-n-Crop.com { open } Crop.arty Rachel has kindly volunteered to show us how she does it with rubber/clear stamps, some patterned paper and card stock utilising various stamping techniques, as well as some other simple but stunning techniques that will make your handmade cards scream W-O-W!!!

Be sure to check out Scrap-n-Crop.com
Card Making #1 - Stretch your Supplies + Creativity
this 24th October 2009!
Satisfaction guaranteed! you'll be bringing home: (1) a stack of handmade cards, (2) a smile on your face {if not twitching cheek muscles from laughing too much}, (3) confidence to make stunning handmade cards that you'll want to show off, and (4) know-how on making very affordable handmade cards.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +

FREE flow of related embellishments @ the Crop.station
FREE use of tools, punches, paint et cetera @ the Crop.station
FREE sneak peek of new arrivals
(be the first few to get items not available in any other store yet)
FREE flow of fun, laughter and ideas...
Discounts off selected items in our Scrap.Abode