has RESTOCKED ALL THE COLOURS ... either visit us every Wednesday from 10 am to 2pm at our Scrap.Abode (warehouse) or from 3pm to 5pm on our OpenDays (weekends - dates published at the top of this blog)
... or make your Montana Cans order online HERE
SHOCK colors
For some consumers "less is more". So to avoid being overwhelmed the Montana GOLD Shock range was developed as a mini Montana GOLD assortment with the only the most high covering colors within these color scales chosen. This system became so popular that it also extended to some of the water based Montana ACRYLIC ink markers and refills making possible to use strong opaque colors in more mediums.
CLASSIC colors
Back in the days before manufacturers created high opacity spray paint for the specific use of graffiti art or Urban art, there were a few "classic" colors that were the preference of many street based artists. Normally chosen for their opacity or color impact, the Montana GOLD line has adopted a special place within the color range for these historical colors.
PROCESS colors
Inspired by the CMY color properties used in the printing industry, the CMY colors are powerful colors bound to draw attention to what ever they are applied on.
Famous for being able to glow under UV light. This is no exception with the Montana GOLD Fluorescent range. For best results we recommend fluorescent colors to be applied to pre-primed, dry white surfaces (e.g. Shock White i.e.). This will increase luminosity and improve coverage. Applying Montana GOLD clear coats will offer greater UV protection however may hinder the fluorescent effect slightly. In general fluorescent colors are less lightfast and not resistant to the elements. They are not abrasion proof like other Montana GOLD color shades.
Chrome effects are achieved by having the metallic pigment particles located on the surface of the object you are spraying. This is achieved by the lacquer remaining "open" so that light can shine and reflect off these particles. However this results in chrome effect cans being less weather resistant and not abrasion proof. Finger marks may occur if handling chrome effect sprayed items. Applying Montana GOLD clear coats make the paint appear less shiny and prevent it from reflecting light as efficiently as prior to the clear coat application.
Achieve greater depth and tonal variation with the use of Montana GOLD Transparent Black. Apply thinly for perfect shadows and rendering or creating complex gradient shifts by applying multiple layers. This transparent shades allow users to enhance their artwork layer by layer while controlling the opacity through the paint application. Use Transparent White to create highlights or to give the effect of light exposed areas (milky glass effect)
Not game enough to spray?
Here are some acrylic based markers that allows you to write on any surface!
Click HERE to buy Montana Acrylic Markers - empty markers are also available for you to refill with colours of your choice.
For tips and techniques on how to refill your Montana Empty Markers with acrylic, click on this blog link.

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